• 5+ years experience in the tree industry

  • Fully insured to $1,000,000

  • ISA Certified Arborist® (NY-6844A)

  • EHAP Certified (Electrical Hazard Awareness Program)

  • Tree Risk Assessment Qualified

  • First Aid, CPR, AED Certified

  • Stihl chainsaws and other professional quality equipment

  • Top notch climbing and rigging equipment


and Equipment

Arboist cutting tree using a aerial lift.

My Story

My name is Jonathan and I am a self taught tree climber. I started out felling trees and doing small removals, which progressed into tree climbing. I started the business Cowboy Climber Tree Service and became an ISA Certified Arborist®. From before I ever thought about tree work, I have been raising and working with livestock. I enjoy all things animals and nature. One of my dreams is to farm with draft horses, which is why I thought the name Cowboy Climber Tree Service was a fitting name and a crossover of both of my passions.

Arborist climbing and cutting tree.